
Site 7

Silence of Invisible Footfall - Greestone Steps – Lindum Hill to Minster Yard

Halfway along Lindum Road a set of stone stairs leads to the top of the escarpment with an arched gateway partway along. The journey up is wholly different from the one down. Pause under the arch and notice the auditory transition - hear the marked soundscape change from the busy road up through the medieval gateway into the protection of the upper city. Greestone steps were built to give direct pedestrian access. So many feet over many years have trod up and down, shaping the stones with their passage, as yours are. You can almost taste the mineral grittiness in the sound. Can you hear the panting, wheezing of ascending pedestrians on errands and the scuff and slide of those descending, and all the chatter? Many will be the cathedral cleaners who lived nearby.
From the height and the view gained by passing up through the gateway, distant sounds begin to arrive from the far horizon on the other side of the river cut in contrast to the enclosed sounds of your footfall on the steps.
And as strange unexplained sounds and gruesome sightings have been reported along this passage over many years, the night-time experience could be very different than in the day – the choice is yours!